السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
(May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you)
No matter how long the tail we left at the end of work or when we run out of yarn in the middle of work, there would be the ends of the yarn. How could we hide it?
Here the picture showing the ends of yarn in knit and crochet after weave in it:
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Showing the ends of yarn in knit |
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Showing the ends of yarn in crochet |
I had no idea how could I hide the ends of yarn after I weave in between some
sts at the back in crochet, because
sometime the ends still show up or slip out again, especially when we use the
slippery thread such as nylon or rayon.
it won’t be so hard to weave in the ends in crochet especially in dc, hdc or sc
sts. We can weave in between loops of sts at the back side. The harder one is
when the end of yarn is in long ch sts.
I remember,
once when I went to a sewing materials shop, I saw something that I did not
know what it was. I ask the salesperson what it was, he mentioned the name but
I forgot, and then I asked the function. He said it is special glue for material;
we need iron to use it. So I bought one, just in case I needed someday.
So I tried to use that glue to solve my problem to hide the ends of yarn in my crochet or knit.
Below is step by step how I use the glue:
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Tools needed: Hook & special glue for material |
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How the glue look like |
Step one:
Weave in again the ends of yarn by insert hook into a st near the ends, and pull out slowly and carefully so all strands will be in the st.
Step two:
Ripped some glue, just enough to glue the ends.
Don't use too much or too thick of the glue, because it won't melt well when we iron it.
Step Three:
Insert again the hook into the same st when we waven in the last ends
Put the glue under the hook, and the pull out slowly
Tidy up the glue in between the st and the ends, so the glue won't be too thick and coagulated.
Place it in flat area and put the iron on top of st where the glue and ends position. Press the iron for few seconds until the glue melted. If necessary we can also iron it from the othe side.
* Remember don't over heat the iron, adjust the heat that suitable for the type of yarn.
Here the result after ironed. It look neate enough.
The area of the ends might be felt little bit rigid but it won't ruin the testure of sts and the ends will fixed there nicely even we wash it.
The steps won't be much different from the knitting one. Below are the steps:
- After weave in the ends, insert the hook in between loop of sts where there is the ends
- Get some glue and put it under the hook.
- Pull out slowly and carefully
- After the glue is in the sts, tidy up and the iron it as in knitting.
Here is the result after ironed:
Here I show you some pictures of several area in knitting and crochet where there are some ends.
I don't put any mark at the area for you to find out where are the ends of yarn or whether you can see them at glance.
- Try not to have ends in chain work in crochet
- Try to have ends in sc, dc, hdc, etc. work in crochet
- Try to weave in the ends when you have it. Some ends can be woven in along with the next sts.
- Don't wait until all work done. It will be so bored and very frustrating if we wait until the end of work to weave in all tails/ends, especially in big project such as blanket or curtain.
This is my way and my opinion.
Happy crochet and knitting....