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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chinese Button Knot

Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh :
 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
 (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you)

Chines Button Knot

Chinese Button knot is one of my favorite button.I like it because it is so unique and need special skill to make. This kind of button can be made by the same material with the dress/blouse itself.
It has  been several times I made dress using this kind of button. A simple design dress will be looked so stunning if use Chinese button knot as decoration.

I have seen several tutorials in youtube and some books how to make the Chinese Button knot. By practicing many times, at the end I can make it.
Below is step by step tutorial, how to make the Chinese Button Knot:

First, get about 30 cm length of ready used cord or you can DIY from the materials of the dress. 


Make 1st loop


Make 2nd loop over the 1st loop 

Hold the two loops at center point of it - it shows there are 3 holes.
The left hole is from the 1st loop; Then center hole is the joint hole of 1st loop and 2nd loop; The right hole is from the 2nd loop 

STEP III - to make the 3rd loop is by weaving in and out through the 3 holes

Insert the right end into the right hole from in front to the back side,

Continue to insert the right end into the center hole from back  to the front side,

Next, insert the right end into the left hole from in front to the back side.

In this stage, the 3rd loop is done,


Insert the right end into the 3rd loop from in front to the back side,
(in this image you can see the 3 holes divided by two for each hole)

Continue to insert the right end from the back side into the bottom part of center hole

In this stage, all 4 steps are complete. 

FINAL STEP; is to tighten each part of the woven by  pull it out slow but sure. 
Finishing - gather the 2 end of the cord before attach it on the dress/blouse by hand sewing.

Below some samples:

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